5) Society is an illusion.
I alluded to this earlier, about how fragile “society” is, but, the more I think about (And hence the quotation marks around the word “society”), the more illusory I find the whole idea to be.
Think about it, how quickly after some kind of disaster do cities break down into looting and rioting? Usually, either as soon as it begins, or, if it’s some kind of natural disaster, as soon as the most dangerous part is over.
Because, as soon as no one’s looking, or as soon as no one can do anything about it, people show their true colors, and start looting, destroying, and attacking anything and anyone they damn well please.
Now, you could argue that this is simply a collection of bad, greedy, people, and I won’t necessarily argue that, but, while most people have enough empathy for those who are the victims of this behavior to frown on it, there are always people who attempt to find excuses or justifications for it. Do you want to know why? Because, deep down, they’re hoping to get their own piece of the pie.
That’s what it is. This idea we have of people coexisting peaceably is just something we all tell ourselves we’re doing when the reality is there are way too many people out there, just waiting for an excuse to slam into everyone else around them like meteor, and when a zombie apocalypse hits, we’ll see just how many.