Happy Birthday to The Walking Dead’s Andrew Lincoln
By Renee Hansen
Happy Birthday to The Walking Dead’s Andrew Lincoln, who turns 47 today.
The Walking Dead’s cast member Andrew Lincoln celebrates his 47th birthday today. Andrew Lincoln portrayed Rick Grimes, the main leader for the group featured in The Walking Dead.
We were first introduced to his character in the first episode of the series called “Days Gone Bye” The last time we saw Rick, he was being taken away on a helicopter to parts unknown in the midseason finale of season 9 “What Comes After.”
Fans have taken to social media to post photos, gifs, and other well wishes for his special day. The Walking Dead Twitter posted some great images celebrating the actor’s birthday. You can see by all of the comments on the tweet that fans are happy to celebrate Lincoln’s special day.
A little over a year ago at San Deigo Comic-Con, AMC announced that the promised Walking Dead movies starring Rick Grimes would be released in theaters. These films would show life after Rick was taken away in the helicopter. With all of the filming shutdowns, it is hard to say when these films can be filmed and finally released.
Lincoln’s acting career spans over many years. His first significant role was in the popular UK series This Life (1996), where he portrayed Edgar “Egg” Cook. He is also well known for his role as Mark in the popular film Love Actually (2003).
The popularity of Rick Grimes makes this role Lincoln’s most famous. Rick lead his group through many tough times and close calls throughout his time on The Walking Dead series. Many fans were saddened by Lincoln’s departure and didn’t see the show going on without him.
Recently, the announcement was made that an extended season eleven would be the end of the series. As far as the movies, it looks like they are still a go, but filming and release dates are nowhere near ready to be announced.
Happy Birthday to Andrew Lincoln from all of us at Undead Walking!