Andrew Lincoln stars in Penguin Bloom, which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival
Penguin Bloom is a film based on a book of the same name by Bradley Trevor Grieve. The film follows the story of a family dealing with the aftermath of a tragic accident and the little bird that gives them hope in the midst of the tragedy. The film stars Naomi Watts and Andrew Lincoln.
Andrew Lincoln played The Walking Dead’s main man, Rick Grimes, for many years before deciding to leave the show to spend more time with this family. He lives in England and filmed in the US, making for very little time to spend with his wife and children. It was a sad event to lose Rick Grimes in the series, but fans were left with hope with the promise of more Rick Grimes but in a movie form.
With all of the filming shutdowns, there hasn’t been a lot of new news as far as the promised Walking Dead movies are concerned, but now fans can view Lincoln in the original film that premiered at the Toronto International Fim Festival.
The cast and the director of Penguin Bloom sat with Variety to discuss the film. You can view the entire panel below.
The panel discussed that the inspiration for this film is based on the life of Sam Bloom (Watts), a woman who had a tragic accident while traveling in Thailand. Her life, as well as her husband Cameron (Lincoln) and their three children’s lives, are changed because of the accident.
An unexpected stranger, a stray magpie, arrives in their lives and gives them hope where they felt there might never be hope again.
During the panel, Lincoln states that they went against one Hollywood rule during filming. That was filming with animals and children.
"“The reason why people don’t want to work with children and animals is because when they’re good, they’re really good. I said to Naomi, the camera is not going to go higher than their heads, they’re that good,” Andrew Lincoln"
Fans are excited to see Lincoln act again, even if it isn’t in his Walking Dead role as Rick Grimes. Perhaps now he will have time to film some Walking Dead movies?
Be sure to catch Andrew Lincoln in Penguin Bloom. Are you excited for this film? Let us know in the comments below.