The Walking Dead’s shown us that survival requires understanding human nature.
In last week’s The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week, I decided to address how people can, without even intending to, become dangerous to other people in a zombie apocalypse. Sometimes it’s through simple mistakes, sometimes it’s through things that are completely out of a person’s control, but, I realized that most of them come down to how people behave and how they react; Basically, it comes down to human nature.
So, having realized that, I decided that this week, I’m going to tackle that problem which plagues all of us: Human nature.
It’s human nature that determines how people react to stress and trauma, it’s human nature that determines how people react to disasters, and it’s human nature that determines how we react to loss. If we want know how to survive a zombie apocalypse, we first need to understand the rest of the people who will be trying to survive.
If we don’t understand people, we’ll never be able to survive in the brutal world the apocalypse will create.