3. Things are going a little TOO well.
The goal of survivors on The Walking Dead is to find a place to live where they can settle down, create a family, and try to get as close to normal life before the world fell apart as possible despite everything around them.
It’s nice to see your favorite survivor doing well, but seeing them getting comfortable and enjoying their life might be a sign that the world around them is about to change, and not necessarily for the better.
Fans have seen it so many times before. Characters like Noah, Denise, Eric, Axel, and others all met their doom when their lives seemed to be going wonderfully. Seeing them get chopped down at the height of their happiness makes their death even more crushing.
There has to be some medium where characters aren’t miserable, but also not happy enough where you have to worry if the show is building up their elation only to take it all all away in an abrupt moment.