Angela Kang reveals secrets of The Walking Dead bonus season 10 episodes.
During her appearance on the Talking Dead Walking Dead Universe Preview Special, The Walking Dead show-runner Angela Kang delved further into the bonus season 10 episodes that begin filming shortly.
Season 10 had been planned to come to a dramatic end with the Whisperer war conclusion in episode 16, “A Certain Doom” which airs next week. However, due to COVID pushing back filming of season 11, AMC announced 6 new bonus episodes for the season.
COVID restrictions meant filming normal episodes would be incredibly difficult, and so these bonus episodes are going to be different to allow for a safe set.
“The episodes are all designed to be filmed safely during this pandemic we’re in. They’re sort of almost an anthological feel to some of them,” Kang explained.
The anthology style, focusing on only a couple of characters and a single story per episode, will not only allow filming that is safe and risks fewer people’s exposure at once, but will also allow the audience a chance to really dig into what the characters are going through.
“They’re really, really deep dives into some of our characters, which I hope people really enjoy,” Kang continued.
She also confirmed the episodes will take place after the events of “A Certain Doom” and show the aftermath of the Whisperer war and how the events of recent months with Alpha and Beta have affected our heroes – with one particular character in mind.
“We’re gonna deal with some of the aftermath of this Whisperer war, and obviously Maggie’s back and she has this mysterious companion in a metal mask. And who is that and what does that mean and where do they come from? We kind of start the story from there.”
This seems to reveal that we now know who the masked fighter who meets Alden and Aaron in the woods is, and that they are – thankfully – friend rather than foe.
All three Talking Dead participants, Chris Hardwick, Lauren Cohan and Angela Kang, talked about just how different things would appear to Maggie on her turn, particularly with Hilltop burning down and Negan seemingly best buds with her close friends Carol and Daryl.
As Kang joked, “I came back, and my house is burnt down and this guy is running around.”
There certainly seems to be many threads to pick at in the bonus episodes, even if the Whisperers are defeated in “A Certain Doom”, and that many characters aside from Maggie will be dealing with the fallout from events of the last months.
“Certainly we’ve been enjoying working on something that is a little bit different from what we were doing in the main part of season 10. We get to feature different people and tell these little stories that all add up to a picture of what our survivors are going through. And that will lead us into season 11 eventually,” Kang concluded.
It sounds as though Kang, and the rest of the crew and cast are excited to be filming – despite the circumstances – which will hopefully translate into some exciting onscreen tales that will tide us over until season 11 can safely come our way.