The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: It’s ZOMBIE nature

The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC /
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Image of a zombie, The Walking Dead 101 "Day's Gone Bye". The Walking Dead (2010). Photo credit: AMC/Gene Page
Photo credit: AMC/Gene Page /

6) Zombies get strength in numbers, too.

I’ve often noted how we humans can (And often, do) find strength in numbers. We’re a social animal by nature, and so, this isn’t that surprising. It, therefore, also shouldn’t be surprising to realize that dead people benefit from this, too.

Honestly, think back to most zombie movies or shows or video games, and most often, the scariest scenes come when the main character(s) are confronted by massive hordes of zombies. The reason why this is such a trope in zombie media is because, should a zombie apocalypse ever happen, it would turn out to be true.

While one zombie can be killed or, depending on where you encounter it, simply avoided altogether, get enough of them together, you (Particularly alone) can’t fight them, and, again, depending on where you encounter them, can’t even avoid them, because they fill the area from wall-to-wall!

This is why a zombie apocalypse is a zombie apocalypse: Because you’re looking at a situation where the number of zombies begins to grow exponentially to the point where they start outnumbering the living.