Season 10 saw many big characters make their exit from The Walking Dead. Let’s honor all those who were lost during those 16 episodes.
The Walking Dead universe is a hard place to exist. Not only are there threats around every corner but views have to worry about getting attached to a character who won’t make it out of the episode that they are watching alive.
When it comes to death, the tenth season of the hit AMC zombie drama series didn’t pull any punches. Like previous seasons, there were many characters who met their end within the 16-episode span.
Some of the deaths hit harder than others while some changed the entire scope of the war with the Whisperers. No matter what, these survivors fought for their lives and believe in the face of adversity and overwhelming odds.
Let’s take a look at all the named characters who died during the span of The Walking Dead season 10 starting with a member of the Whisperers who had enough of Alpha’s leadership and decided to fight back.
NOTE: This only covers episodes 1001 through 1016. Deaths from the six bonus episodes will be placed in an upcoming article.

- Played by: Emily Lane (season 9) and Juliet Brett (season 10)
- Introduced: Episode 911 “Bounty”
- Died: Episode 1002 “We Are the End of the World”
- Killed by: Mary and walkers
Life as a member of the Whisperers can be rough. Not only do you give up your entire identity from your previous life but you are forced to sacrifice many of the other things that make a human being feel comfortable in their own skin.
Frances didn’t get a name until season 10. However, during her introduction in the previous season, fans witnessed one of the most traumatizing moments without a death on the show when she was forced by Alpha to place her child on the ground as a sacrifice to walkers who were closing in.
Thankfully, the baby was rescued by Connie and brought into the Hilltop. Still, the loss of her child made her get highly emotional and increasingly upset with Alpha as time passed, finally attacking her as the group moved among walkers.
Mary pulled her sister Frances off Alpha, throwing her to the ground. The surrounding walkers took that opportunity to have a feast, devouring Frances in front of the group of Whisperers and putting Mary in an exceptionally tough situation going forward.