The Walking Dead: World Beyond’s first episode has a huge twist that shocked fans
The Walking Dead: World Beyond dropped its first episode this past Sunday and began many intriguing plot threads that set the show up to be quite an interesting and unpredictable journey.
One of the biggest and most shocking of all was the reveal that Hope, one of the core members of the group of teens heading towards New York, killed the pregnant mother of another group member, Elton, at the very beginning of the zombie outbreak.
In a flashback to “the night the sky fell,” we see Hope and her mother running around the crash site of a plane, frantically trying to find some way to meet back up with Hope’s father, Leo, and sister, Iris.
As they make a move towards a truck that could help them reconnect with the rest of their family, Hope and her mother are suddenly held at gunpoint by a pregnant mother who also was looking to take the car. When Hope makes a move towards the woman, she shoots the gun, killing Hope’s mother right in front of her.
The woman drops the gun, horrified at what she had just done. No sooner does the gun drop when Hope, only about six or seven at this point, picks up the gun and shoots and kills the pregnant woman. This moment is horrific enough as a backstory for Hope, but it becomes even more significant later on in the episode.
Back in the present, when the teens reach the site of the plane crash, Elton stumbles upon a triceratops horn – a gift for his then-unborn sister before everything went down. Once Silas steps away after consoling him, Elton takes out a picture of his mother from his bag.
The woman in the picture is none other than the woman Hope murdered all those years ago.
This massive plot twist will have big reverberations at some point this season. Elton seems like a reasonable and kind character, but something like this could push him to the edge. Will he ever be able to work with or trust Hope once he finds out the truth?
The showrunner and writers have made a point to express that the teens in the show won’t all turn out to be heroes, so is it possible that this reveal could lead to an evil turn for either Hope or Elton?
Hope obviously has a lot of darkness in her troubled past, rooted in the fact that she saw her mother die right in front of her and subsequently killed Elton’s pregnant mother at such a young age. This horrific moment paired with her generally rebellious nature and hot temper could lead Hope down a dark path at some point in the show’s two-season run.
No matter what the inevitable reveal of this moment does for the characters, it is certain that Hope will need to atone and apologize for her actions if she hopes to remain part of the group. It will be very interesting to see how it all plays out and the inevitable fallout in the coming episodes.
Do you think this reveal will have an impact later in the first season of World Beyond? Let us know by leaving a comment!