5. No major death!
The first moment going to be discussed is the lack of something very big and that is a major team family death. While a major death is not 100% necessary in a finale in a situation like this, it made the finale feel a bit lackluster. The Walking Dead tv show has done a phenomenal job for the entire Whisperer arc, for the majority of the time they have improved on everything.
However, without a big death, it made the ending seem like much less of a bang. The title ‘A Certain Doom’ in the comic series was a book that devastated the hearts of many when Andrea Grimes was bitten among all the chaos of the Whisperer herd. Her death was the largest one in the series up to this point, so having this episode be titled the same thing with nothing similar was very deceptive to the comic fan base.
In the tv show Whisperer arc, many characters have lost their lives. However, even if all of the deaths are combined, they don’t equal the level of Andrea. Possibly if the episode didn’t use the same infamous title, and they didn’t build the story up so far, then the episode wouldn’t feel like it is missing something.
Alas, no major death means that all of the current amazing characters have a chance to build and become larger than life in the last season of the show! That is great, but comic fans are still scratching their heads over the Whisperers going out more like a whisper.