5. Total inexperience
It’s so hard for fans to wrap their minds around the fact that the characters in The Walking Dead: World Beyond are so vastly inexperienced compared to everyone shown so far in The Walking Dead universe as a whole. Sure these characters have been training in classes and learning fighting skills, but they have yet to experience fighting empties up close.
This is put on display a few times throughout the episode, but one of the biggest scenes that showcase this is when Hope comes face to face with an empty. Hope decides to become a stowaway on the bus so she can visit the grave of her mother. When she hops in the bottom compartment she doesn’t totally close to the flap, which later causes an empty to snag itself on a loose piece blowing in the wind.
When Hope is put in this situation she freaks out. In The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead if a character was put in the same situation they might jump first at the scare but then they would simply remove it. This show makes empties a front and center threat again with is very fun.
It’s worth it to note that, Felix and Huck seem to be trained security guards for the campus colony. So likely these two will become the backbone of the group. Fans haven’t got to fully see them in action yet though so there is no telling if they are up to par with other characters viewers have seen before.