The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: We ARE stronger together
By Liam O'Leary
4) United, We Stand
I’m just gonna put this out there: I have always stood by Father Gabriel, even when he was the most hated character on The Walking Dead, I knew he would, someday, reach this point, where he would be the badass, beating heart of the group. I’m proud to have stuck by him.
At the beginning of this week’s episode of The Walking Dead, in trying to reassure RJ and Gracie, Father Gabriel gave the kids a great analogy of the nature of human beings. Using his hand, he showed how, like individual fingers, the communities themselves may not have been enough to stand up to the Whisperers and their horde, but, just as fingers come together to form humanity’s most basic weapon, its fist, so too could the communities come together to strike back at Beta’s army all at once.
Basically, he told the kids: Divided, we may fall, but, united, we can stand.
This a basic truth of our species, that, if we stand together, we have a better chance of surviving than we’d have if we stood alone, it’s partly why our species has lived in groups since before recorded history: We knew we could fend off threats better together than alone.
This is why, when faced with a zombie apocalypse, and the many threats we’ll face, it’s smarter to put aside our differences and stand up to those threats as a united front.