The Walking Dead, The Tower: Things To Note

Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
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Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC

Is The Alliance doomed? Find out in this week’s Walking Dead: Things To Note!


It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve done a new installment of Things To Note, so, suffice to say, I am excited to dive in.

But, before we do that, let’s take a moment to have a quick refresher of where we left off with season ten of The Walking Dead, so that we’re all on the same page…

With Hilltop largely destroyed, and Kingdom now largely refugees within Hilltop, the remaining survivors of the four communities, rather than just wait for the Whisperers to come knocking down their doors, chose instead to flee to an abandoned hospital nicknamed “The Tower”, in hopes of staying a step ahead of Beta.

Speaking of which, with Alpha’s death, Beta has managed to become even crazier than he already was, convinced that the dead are actually whispering to him. With this new found “faith” in the dead, he has taken over the Whisperers, and is leading them in a massive siege.

At the tower, the group is on edge, with Lydia (And Negan, for that matter) having conflicting emotions over the death of Alpha; Judith, knowing that Michonne is out looking for Rick, is feeling very alone, and chooses to cling to Daryl, wanting to learn tracking from the master; And Carol, back after confronting her own demons (In the form of Alpha’s ghost), goes with Kelly, in hopes of making up for Connie’s apparent demise.

Lastly, we have Eugene, Yumiko, and Ezekiel, who, while exploring Charleston, West Virginia, meet Princess, an eccentric young lady with a pink jacket, no one to talk to for a year, and a big gun. While the team, especially Yumiko, don’t trust her, they’re willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, and let her guide them through the city.

Okay, now that we’ve been refreshed, it’s time to go back and find all the little details that you might have forgotten since we all last watched The Walking Dead, with the latest installment of Things To Note!!!