Scott M. Gimple dropped some bread crumbs during the TWD at NYCC virtual panels
If you’ve been following the virtual New York Comic Con panels then you know that the comments section has featured appearances from various TWD cast members. During the World Beyond panel. Chief Creative Officer Scott M. Gimple was asked about a possible return for Fear the Walking Dead’s Madison Clark, and his response was interesting.
User “Eurech” posted a message in the comments section about wanting to see Madison Clark show up on World Beyond with the mysterious CRM.
Here’s what Gimple had to say: “All I can say is that there’s some possibilities. With Tales [of the Walking Dead] and beyond. (But not Beyond).”
Without promising anything, Gimple hints that the new anthology series Tales of the Walking Dead – which will feature current, new and past members of the TWD Universe – could be a home for a Madison Clark story. His comment “not Beyond” seems to rule out an appearance in the latest spin-off World Beyond, but it opens up the possibilities of more places for Madison to show up in other places across the TWD Universe.
The last time fans saw Madison Clark alive was back in Fear TWD season 4 when she was trying to distract the walkers at the ballpark so that her family could escape. She famously ends up surrounded by walkers and is presumed to be dead…but as we know in the TWD Universe you’re never dead until you see a body, or a walker.
Madison Clark fans have been clamoring for her return to the show in any capacity, and it could be that Kim Dickens was slated to return in the spin-off, perhaps detailing her time on the road to find her family again.
It would be great to see Madison Clark’s return at some point in the future. With so many new spin-offs planned, her return is more possible than ever before.