The season 6 premiere of Fear the Walking Dead was an absolute showstopper
Fear the Walking Dead season 6 started with an absolutely thrilling episode. The evolution of Morgan Jones in this episode alone left viewers breathless. Normally when making a list of 5 WTF moments, they are straightforward and clear, no pun intended. However, this monster of an episode posed a brand new problem, only picking 5 moments when the entire episode is one gigantic WTF moment!
This episode was Morgan centric, and understandably so. When fans last saw him he was bleeding out and on the brink of death. The story picks up roughly 6 weeks after that terrible encounter with Virginia. Morgan still has the bullet in his chest which is causing a whole host of issues, so let’s jump into honorable mentions.
His wound had gotten so bad that Morgan reeked of death. So much so he could simply walk by walkers with no issue. This upset him greatly, being invisible to such a threat. A few times he called walkers to him just to feel remotely normal. Most of the time landing him in trouble, which brings readers to the second honorable mention, all the fighting.
Many times throughout this episode Morgan has to fight. In his condition, it was nauseating to watch a person so injured have to fight so hard, and every time his weakness caused issues. Even when trying to run from a fight with the bounty hunter he passed out and had to have Isaac’s help. When Emile pushed into his Morgan’s wound during their fight, fans collectively felt sick.
Wrapping up the honorable mentions is the note Morgan received. Fans understood that knowing who saved Morgan might be information they didn’t learn until later, but what was most surprising is the fact Morgan himself doesn’t even know. He was patched up and sent along his way with no recollection of anything.