Emile, Fear The Walking Dead’s newest villain, is dead, but, will he be avenged?
Emile LaRoux, the bounty hunter first introduced to us in the first trailers for season six of Fear The Walking Dead is, probably, one of the coolest villains the show has seen in, maybe, its entire run (With maybe Troy Otto being the only worthy challenger). Sadly…he lasted only one episode.
This is a problem I’ve often had with Fear, that they seem to kill off cool characters way too soon — The Ottos, Just about everyone introduced in season three, Chris, Travis — and, it seems like Emile has joined that long list.
This is strange, though. Not that a cool character on Fear would get killed off — That’s infuriatingly normal — but, that Emile would die so early, because, I could swear I saw him in scenes in the trailer that we didn’t see in Sunday’s episode.
Maybe I’m remembering wrong, or, the way the trailer was cut makes me think Emile was in scenes he wasn’t in, but, when I rewatch, and see the scene of someone siccing a dog on some poor bastard strapped to a chair, I assumed that was him, I mean, he’s the only person we’ve seen use a dog for tracking at all in Fear, so, that’s got to be him, right? But, how can that be…if he’s dead?
I’m very confused.
…Wait a minute.
Fear The Walking Dead Theory: Emile’s brother is still out there.

What about Emile’s brother?
Don’t you remember? Just before decapitation, Walter asked Emile what he put in his can of beans to make them taste so good, to which Emile replies that “A chef never reveals his secrets. Besides, it’s my brother’s recipe. He’d probably kill me if he knew I spilled the beans.”
What if maybe, just maybe, the person we see siccing a dog on someone (Who kind of looks like Walter, now that I think about it), is, in fact, Emile’s brother?
I mean, if we’re assuming that he is alive (And Emile gave no indication that he wasn’t), why wouldn’t he adopt the same profession as his brother? It makes sense: The two would split up to cover the mass amounts of ground in Texas, take out contracts, and split their earnings amongst each other. It’s a great strategy.
Now, if we were to take Emile’s word about his brother being willing to kill him over a recipe literally, what we see of the person siccing the dog on the man they seem to be interrogating makes much more sense, because, if Emile’s brother is short-tempered or violent enough to do that to his own brother, then, threatening someone with mauling by a dog is definitely not beyond the pale for him.
Maybe that’s the difference between the two: Where Emile is more level-headed (Willing to negotiate with both Isaac and Morgan, for example), perhaps his brother is more brutal, maybe even going so far as to torture his quarry before eliminating them, or, rather than negotiate, like his brother, he may decide it’s more practical to force people to give him information on people he’s looking for, and uses his dog to do it, rather than use him for tracking.
And, I wonder if, as the season progresses, we discover who he’s looking for is Morgan.

Why wouldn’t he? Assuming I’m correct, it’s likely that Virginia knows who he is, and, knowing that Morgan killed Emile (And is practically declaring war on her), she may feel compelled to reach out to this more violent bounty hunter, inform him of his brother’s fate, and of the man who did it to him, in hopes that he will succeed, where Emile did not.
If the two were surviving together at all, I can’t imagine Emile’s brother wouldn’t want revenge on the man who killed Emile, and, if Virginia’s offering supplies on top of that…it sounds like a win-win for an enterprising bounty hunter.
Oh, one other thing that occurred to me while I was thinking of this: At no point did Emile describe the exact nature of his relationship to his brother. Is he Emile’s older brother? His younger brother?
…His twin brother?
It makes you wonder.
But, what do you guys think? Do you think Emile’s brother may emerge to get revenge on Morgan? Do you think the person siccing a dog on the imprisoned man is Emile’s brother? Do you think he might be a twin? Let me know? I’m curious! And, if you want to hear my theories on how to survive a zombie apocalypse in the real world, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also find it at Amazon here, and on iTunes here!