Fear The Walking Dead is back, but, the Morgan we know? He might not be…
We have finally begun season six of Fear The Walking Dead!!
While I could waste time complaining about how long it’s been, I’d rather just get right to business. For those of you who may not know, Things To Note is my series where I take each episode of Fear The Walking Dead, find all the trivia, all the clues about what may be coming, all the references to the rest of the Walking Dead universe, and all the callbacks to things that have come before, and put them all together so you don’t have to.
I really liked this episode, as we learn what’s happened to Morgan since the convoy was forcibly annexed into the Pioneers at the end of last season. We also learn that, despite what he thinks, Morgan’s efforts to offer survivors a better alternative than the Pioneers was not in vain, as his message has had much further reach than he realized. And, lastly, through the introduction of Emile LaRoux, a bounty hunter, we learned that, out in Galveston, with access to some serious military hardware, there is another group of survivors, in desperate search for a key, a key that now lies in Morgan’s possession…
Of course, all of that was obvious. What might not have been so obvious is the references to a long-dead friend, a possible new threat, and mystery Morgan needs to solve.
All of this in the newest installment of Fear The Walking Dead: THINGS TO NOTE!!