TWD: World Beyond post credit scene blows the roof off the TWD Universe
There is a lot of worldbuilding going on in The Walking Dead: World Beyond and for longtime TWD fans the worldbuilding serves to enrich the general viewing experience of the franchise as a whole. With World Beyond we’re learning that there is a lot more happening in the world and it might not be a good thing. The post credit scene after World Beyond 104 offers a harrowing picture of what’s happening to some of the survivors.
The post credit scene had fans talking as a CRM operative (complete with a little triple loop tattoo on her hand) read off statistics about a test subject. Evidently, the serum being tested didn’t work. As she talks there is a picture on her desk that shows her with Dr. Leo Bennett and two other people.
As the analysis ends, we see that there are hundreds of test subjects being kept strapped to metal boards in a facility of some kind. The test subject we saw had a name, Dr. Samuel Abbott, and he was from the Portland colony. She starts to eat her sandwich while the next subject is brought in, and when the camera gets closer to the picture on the desk we see that Dr. Abbott was in the photo, which suggests that Dr. Bennett could be next.
What does the World Beyond post credit scene mean?
- CRM is conducting human experiments. These test subjects came from the Portland Colony that was part of the alliance with Campus Colony and CRM. Dr. Abbott was an “A”.
- Portland Colony likely suffered the same fate as Campus Colony. It’s possible that some of the Campus Colony residents were taken to be used as test subjects, too. (This might explain the giant shipping containers seen in the pilot, which could be used to transport large numbers of people)
- If leading scientific minds like Dr. Bennett and Dr. Abbott went with CRM to work on research, and Dr. Abbott is now a test subject, it doesn’t bode well for Dr. Bennett
- RICK GRIMES IS WITH THESE PEOPLE. We still don’t know what it means to be a “B” and if Rick became a test subject then he could be alive but not the Rick Grimes we once knew. Dr. Abbott was an “A” based on what the scene reveals, so what happens with the “B’s”?
- Michonne is heading straight for CRM in New York. I know I keep bringing this up, but Michonne is heading into dangerous territory and she has no idea.
World Beyond is expanding the TWD Universe with all of these peeks and glimpses into what life is like beyond Alexandria, and it paints a terrifying picture given that CRM is four times bigger than the Commonwealth and they have the means and firepower to do whatever they please.
Whatever happens from here on out across The Walking Dead, Fear TWD and World Beyond – and the Rick Grimes movies – will now be framed by what we know about CRM, and it changes everything.