Doing what’s right in a world full of walking dead isn’t easy, but, it IS needed
This week’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead focused on everyone’s favorite Texas lawman, John Dorie, adjusting to his new life as a ranger for the Pioneers, a life that reminds him very much of the one he had before the outbreak began.
However, we also saw that, while he finds some solace in returning to that life in a place where order again exists, that solace is short-lived when forced to choose between doing what’s easy, and doing what’s right.
So, with that playing such an important role in this week’s episode, I decide that, for our Fear The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week, I was going to focus on doing the right thing in a zombie apocalypse, what that entails, the challenges that come with it, and why it’s important.
Hopefully, by the time I’ve finished, you’ve come to understand that doing the right thing is always important, even in a world filled with flesh-eating zombies.