Are Fear The Walking Dead’s newest crazies tied to John Dorie’s FATHER?
If you’ve been following my articles since season six of Fear The Walking Dead started, you know that I’m constantly trying to figure out what the deal is with the people who have been popping up this season leaving behind their slogan “The End Is The Beginning” (Whom I’ve christened “The Beginners”). We’ve already seen their slogan twice now, and, both times, it’s been tied to some kind of awful violence, and, at the end of this week’s episode, we saw the two members of the group who hired Emile to hunt down Walter, attempt to kill Morgan, so, there’s definitely something up with them, and I aim to find out what.
Last week, I theorized that their slogan, as…optimistic as it may appear, belied the group’s sinister intent, and presented my case as to why.
Well, this week, I think we got another piece of the puzzle.
You see, something struck me during John’s discussion with Rabbi Kessner about his father’s time as a cop. While recounting the story, John described how, when he was a kid, there was a serial killer running loose in the Houston area, whose crimes John’s dad was investigating. John explained that, eventually, his dad found the man he believed the killer, some weirdo cult leader who John offhandedly says was preaching about “Death and new beginnings“.
Fear The Walking Dead Theory: The Beginners are disciples of the serial killer cult leader.
Honestly, I don’t need to explain why I think The Beginners are a death cult, I think I did a pretty good job of that last week, and you can read more about that in that theory, so, what I will explain, is why I think they’re connected to this serial killer from the shadows of John’s dad’s old case.
My first bit of evidence, as you might suspect, is the one thing John seems to remember about the serial killer’s cult: Their philosophy of “Death and NEW BEGINNINGS”.
Do you honestly think that phrasing is a coincidence? When we’ve already seen people using a slogan just like that, who just happen to be trying to randomly kill people and infest occupied skyscrapers (And maybe the CRM) with PLAGUE RATS!?
I…do not.
Think about The Beginners’ slogan: “The End Is The Beginning”. It really doesn’t take much to interpret death as “The End” and…”New Beginnings”? Do I need to draw a map to show the comparison between that phrase and The Beginners’ slogan? Really?
Now, for my second bit of evidence, I must admit, it’s circumstantial. But, let’s assume the story John is recounting is from the 70’s, is it impossible to believe that, even if the leader was arrested, that one of his followers may have gone underground to keep the cult going since then? And, since this was in Texas, it’s a safe bet the leader was executed. Wouldn’t you think that a cult that believes in “Death and new beginnings” would only be encouraged by such a result? Wouldn’t they see his execution as a “new beginning”?
Furthermore, if they did manage to keep going, wouldn’t they love the zombie apocalypse? Wouldn’t this circumstance be the ultimate “new beginning” in their eyes?
I think that The Beginners are, in fact, either long time disciples of the cult leader (Or, whoever succeeded him) or, weirdos who stumbled onto his teachings somehow after the apocalypse hit, chose to adopt his philosophy, and are now enacting it across Texas.
Either way, with Morgan now on their radar, things are going to get real interesting real soon.
…Huh, I just thought of this: What if one of the disciples took the blame for the leader? That way, the leader could continue to preach, and the disciple would get a “new beginning”. I wonder…
But, what do you think? Do you think The Beginners are a death cult? Do you think they’re connected to the serial killer John’s father arrested? Do you think they’re disciples of his? What do you think they’ll do now that Morgan has killed two of their members? Let me know in the comments! And, if you want to hear my theories on how to survive a zombie apocalypse in the real world, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also find it at Amazon here, and on iTunes here!