Connecting The Walking Dead: ‘Shadow Puppets’

ByLiam O'Leary|
Ted Sutherland as Percy - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: AMC
Ted Sutherland as Percy - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: AMC
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Ted Sutherland as Percy – The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: AMC
Ted Sutherland as Percy – The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: AMC

As The Walking Dead: World Beyond moves forward, things are coming together.

Welcome to my latest installment of Connecting The Walking Dead!

If you’re new here, this is the series where I go back through each new episode of The Walking Dead: World Beyond, and look for all the connections I can find between it and its sister series, The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead.

I’ll be perfectly honest with you guys: This week’s episode felt kind of…low on connections, or, at least, low compared to what we got last week.

However, that isn’t to say we were devoid of connections, as we may have learned how the outbreak played out in other places, that the Civic Republic Military have fuel dumps (And maybe even bases in lower Illinois), and that things are definitely not good for anyone in the Civic Republic’s care, courtesy of the post-credit sequence.

But, enough talk! Let’s begin!