The Walking Dead: The outbreak through the lens of season 1

Image of a zombie, The Walking Dead 101 "Day's Gone Bye". The Walking Dead (2010). Photo credit: AMC/Gene Page
Image of a zombie, The Walking Dead 101 "Day's Gone Bye". The Walking Dead (2010). Photo credit: AMC/Gene Page
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Image of a zombie, The Walking Dead 101 "Day's Gone Bye". The Walking Dead (2010). Photo credit: AMC/Gene Page
Image of a zombie, The Walking Dead 101 “Day’s Gone Bye”. The Walking Dead (2010). Photo credit: AMC/Gene Page

I look back through season 1 of The Walking Dead to find clues to the outbreak.

If you’ve been reading my work here long enough, you know that the thing I love the most about The Walking Dead universe is the beginning of the outbreak. I find this point, where the characters in the world are least prepared for what they’re facing, to be the most frightening. It’s the reason why I was so excited for Fear The Walking Dead, and also, why I’ve often found it so disappointing, because that series, in spite being set at that point, seemed to go out of its way to avoid it.

Because of this, what little we do get about this strangely mysterious period in The Walking Dead universe’s history, is always intriguing to me, and something I’m always desperate to find out more about.

So, with this week being our “Season One Appreciation Week”, I thought I’d look back through that very first season of The Walking Dead and try to piece together what we know of the beginning of the zombie outbreak through the things we see and hear within it.

Bear with me on this one, guys, because the bits and pieces we do get in this season are very scattered, out of order, and sometimes, a little speculative…