Fear The Walking Dead, Honey: Things To Note
By Liam O'Leary
11) This episode gets its name from Dwight trying to plead with Sherry to give up her vendetta with Virginia (And, to a larger extent, Negan) by calling out to her with their shared nickname for one another, “Honey “.
12) …Why did Dwight let the dog out? To prevent it from being used as a torture device (Which he tried to do earlier in the episode) in the future?
13) Using walkers that look like Althea and Dwight to trick Virginia into thinking they died is an escape plan the pair discussed in the previous episode featuring the two of them, “Alaska”.
14) Al telling Nora and Lee “We have to stop saying ‘Hi!’ like this.” (i.e. The pair pointing guns at her and Dwight) is a reference to their first meeting in the aforementioned episode, “Alaska”, where Nora and Lee greeted Al and Dwight by pointing guns at them.
15) From the group we see get out of the truck, it appears that Nora’s group only consists of eleven people. In “Alaska”, it looked like Nora’s group was bigger. Are they somewhere recovering? Are these the only survivors of the plague?
16) The infinity symbol Dwight leaves on the inside of the truck’s back door is the same one Sherry had left on her clues to Dwight since leaving Virginia.
And, with that, we’ve concluded our Things To Note for this week. Was there anything you missed? Was there anything I missed? Feel free to throw in your things to note in the comments!
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