A glimpse at Huck’s past finally comes to light in TWD: World Beyond 107
Every one of the characters in The Walking Dead: World Beyond has a dark past. They might be kids, but they have seen some pretty brutal things in their short lives. Huck’s past has been shrouded in mystery until episode 107, “Truth of Dare”, when the extent of her military background and the decisions she made are revealed.
Huck – whose real name was Jennifer Mallick – was a Marine, respected by her peers and capable of taking care of herself. When the world fell apart she was ordered to kill the civilians she’d been trying to protect as part of the military’s Sunset Protocol, and in a split-second decision she ended up killing her comrades to keep them from following their orders.
Let’s back up a few steps.
We’ve heard stories from other survivors about how rough things were when the world originally fell apart. While Huck’s mission was not part of Operation Cobalt, where the military firebombed Los Angeles and the rest of Southern California (as seen in Fear the Walking Dead), the military was under orders to kill everyone – dead or alive. Huck made a decision not to allow it to happen, and though we see her lead the group of civilians to safety we have to wonder what happened when they left the building.
It’s interesting to think that the military’s orders were to eradicate everyone. Who would be left if they did this? What was the purpose of killing everyone? Why did the military see this as the only option?
Huck knew this was the wrong move, and it forced her to choose between the people she cared about and doing what’s right.
Fast forward to the present and we see Huck trying to keep her new friends safe while also understanding the importance of Iris and Hope’s quest to find their father. She understands the importance of family and friends, so she’s going to support them as much as possible.
Though the others might not know the details of what she had to do, Huck’s decisions are shaped by her past and they come from a good place.
The Walking Dead: World Beyond airs Sundays on AMC.