Dark parts of The Walking Dead echo through the World Beyond’s midseason finale.
Welcome to the latest installment of Connecting The Walking Dead, where I go over each new episode of The Walking Dead: World Beyond, and find the connections between it and its sister series, The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead.
I’m not gonna lie to you, this week was…pretty thin. We didn’t really have too much in the way of connections to speak of, but what we did have call back to some of the darker events we’ve seen in The Walking Dead, and, I’d feel remiss if I didn’t address them.
The first we’ll discuss is the tragic past of Silas, who, if you watched this week’s episode, might have reminded you of another angry young man we’ve met in The Walking Dead, though, he was far less controlled or, frankly, likable, than World Beyond’s hulking teenager.
The second will be the reveal of an insidious link between a member of the Endlings and their nefarious nemeses, the Civic Republic Military, and how it compares to The Walking Dead’s most vile villains of all, The Whisperers.
Let’s get started.