Huck and Hope are working hard to resemble some of Walking Dead’s best bad guys.
Holy crap, did I get a kick out of the Walking Dead: World Beyond doubleheader! Between all the intrigue, the multiple storylines, the revelation of Huck’s duplicity, and the character development, it was a lot of fun!
Of course, whether it was enjoyable or not has no bearing on whether or not there were any connections for me to draw, I’m happy to say, however, that there most certainly were.
For those unfamiliar, Connecting The Walking Dead, is my series where I go back through each episode of World Beyond, and try to find the connections between it and its sister series, The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead.
First, we have Elton taking part in a long-standing tradition for World Beyond’s predecessors, then, the revelation of Huck’s betrayal, and how it compares to that of another spy; And finally, how Hope’s actions draw a surprising parallel to one of The Walking Dead’s most beloved, yet controversial characters.
So, enough lollygagging, let’s get started.