MVP from The Walking Dead: World Beyond episode 110 ‘In This Life’

Aliyah Royale as Iris, Nico Tortorella as Felix; group - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Macall Polay/AMC
Aliyah Royale as Iris, Nico Tortorella as Felix; group - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Macall Polay/AMC

The Walking Dead: World Beyond season finale opened the door for huge possibilities.

Season 1 episode 10 of The Walking Dead: World Beyond landed all of the characters in more peril than ever before. The group is split up with each having a vital piece of information but no way to put it all together fully. While the group is in the most trouble it has given ample opportunity to let each member shine brightly in their own way. Which makes picking MVP extremely difficult.

Each character showed why they are a hero in this final episode. Elton managed to find Silas and exonerate him of murder. Silas sacrificed himself so that Elton and Percy could get away in time, leaving him with a fate unknown. Hope sacrificed her freedom for the safety of the others. Felix fought strong despite his injury, and Iris figured out Huck without cracking the CRM code. Even Huck fulfilled her mission. This episode was strong for all the characters, so the MVP won by just a hair.

The MVP for episode 10 is Felix

First and foremost, all these characters deserve MVP, but it truly came down to Silas and Felix. Silas is a clear-cut honorable mention and on a different week, he would have easily taken the crown. He sacrificed himself without knowing where he would end up or if he would even live, winning over the hearts of many fans, he is a hero.

With such a massive episode and so much accomplished, the detail it came down to was the fire. The CRM soldiers were likely drawn in by the smoke, so his action could have been the reason they were found in the first place. Felix on the other hand has a more clear path moving forward and should be a strong focus starting off season 2.

Fans knew before this episode that Felix was a force to be reckoned with, but he truly wore his heart on his sleeve in this episode, and showcased why he is a leader. Despite an injury that would put most off their feet, he would do anything to save his sisters. When Felix realized that Huck was bad, he didn’t hesitate to set off for Hope.

Felix is the type of brother that many people dream of having. In this episode alone he supports Iris in her claims about Huck and helps teach Iris to drive. When confronted with the ugly truth, even though he is injured he fights Huck tooth and nail to try and keep Hope safe. In the end, fans know he would die if it meant saving the girls. It might even be safe to say Felix is the MVP of the entire season. Wear your crown proud!

What do you think of my MVP pick for The Walking Dead: World Beyond season finale? Tweet me your thoughts @Mamadeadhead!