The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: Trust counts for something

Aliyah Royale as Iris, Alexa Mansour as Hope - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Antony Platt/AMC
Aliyah Royale as Iris, Alexa Mansour as Hope - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Antony Platt/AMC
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The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Zach Dilgard/AMC
The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 1, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Zach Dilgard/AMC

4) If You Didn’t See It, How Can You Trust What You’re Told?

I’m really curious as to what Lieutenant Colonel Kublek is going to tell Huck next season about what happened to Campus Colony. How is she going to explain to her daughter that she had the entire community exterminated for, essentially, no real reason? Can she?

Is she going to sit there and try to tell Huck that, somehow, Campus Colony posed some kind of threat to the Civic Republic, a community whose population is close to twenty times greater than that of Campus Colony? That all those scientists, teachers, high schoolers, and civilians could have jeopardized the Civic Republic, somehow? I mean, if Sergeant Barca didn’t buy that, and he’s just her bodyguard, how does she expect her own daughter, who you’d think would know her mother better, to swallow it?

Sadly, in a zombie apocalypse, one thing that will definitely break down is communications. If you’re lucky, there may be a few people around you, depending on where you are, who may have radios to transmit over, but, if you’re expecting TV, internet, anything like that…you’re gonna be waiting a long time. This also means that you’re not going to have much in the way to refute stories that you hear about things going on around you.

I mean, unless Will somehow knows about what happened to Campus Colony, who is going to refute whatever bullshit Kublek tells Huck? I highly doubt she’s going to let Huck anywhere near Sergeant Barca, so, she’s just going to have to take her mother’s word for it.

This is why you need to be very careful about who you trust when you hear stories about the goings on around you, because you never know if the person you’re getting the story from has a vested interest in deceiving you, omitting details, or making you see events in a particular light that isn’t accurate to what actually happened.

In fact, whenever you hear something, until you hear the other side, or unless you see it for yourself, never trust it at face value. Always look into thing for yourself before deciding to believe the stories people tell you, because, what you believe from what you hear, can cause you to take actions you otherwise wouldn’t have, had you gotten all the facts.

There are always people who benefit from telling you lies. Don’t take what they say at face value.

And that’s your Survival Rule Of The Week! Hopefully, you’ve learned just how valuable having honest people around you is, because of just how much people will try to profit off of being dishonest. If you like this and want to find out more tips to survive the zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also get it at Amazon here, on iTunes here!