4) The Little Things You Almost Don’t Notice
While I was watching the first two episodes of Fear, there was a lot of little things, little clues of what is going on that I noticed this time that I completely missed the first (And even second) time around, and I figured here is a good place to put them all together.
Firstly, when Madison and Travis are driving to the church after Nick flees the hospital, Madison notices the infected homeless man lurching towards her. While this man was seen pretty regularly in the trailers for Fear, something that completely escaped my notice was that there was a cardboard box in-between him and the wall Madison and Travis were driving past. While he may have been making for the truck, and I assumed the box was his, it never occurred to me that the box might not have been his, and that, rather than making for the truck as it passed, he was going for whoever occupied that box. If you recall, the homeless man that the LAPD shoot in episode two (Which sparks the impromptu protest Chris attends) is not the same one Madison sees. Maybe he was bitten by the other homeless man at that park?
Another little thing I noticed (Though, I may have caught this one for my first installment of Things To Note…I can’t remember) is that, as Nick enters the diner to meet with Cal, a man at the counter coughs as he passes by, and Nick turns back for a second to look at him. Now, coughing is nothing unusual, but…the fact he’s one of the only people you notice in the episode who does, and the only one that you see (In the next episode) that comes to mind is Peter Dawson…who becomes infected, soooo…I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
And, speaking of the second episode, as Chris is making his way to the scene of the shooting, he (And only he, I might add) looks over to notice a paramedic patching up one of the cops on scene…who has a bite on his wrist. Somehow, no one else seems to notice this concerning detail as the protest starts.