FearTWD, Survival Rule Of The Week: Pay attention to the little things

Photo Credit: Justin Lubin/AMC
Photo Credit: Justin Lubin/AMC
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Photo Credit: Justin Lubin/AMC
Photo Credit: Justin Lubin/AMC

To survive when there’s walking dead around, pay attention to the little things.

Since it’s Fear The Walking Dead season one appreciation week, and, since my favorite period to tackle in a zombie apocalypse is the beginning of one, I figured this would be perfect for this week’s Fear The Walking Dead: Survival Rule Of The Week!

Now, earlier this week, I had to re-watch the first two episodes of Fear, to try to find little clues about the outbreak before it really began, and, in the process, I got reintroduced to one of my favorite characters: Tobias!

The reason I love Tobias so much is because he gets it. Before the outbreak even really began, Tobias was keeping his eyes and ears open, and paying attention to all the stories of weird shit going down across the U.S., so, he knew that something wicked bad was coming, and did his best to prepare for it.

And, as I was re-watching those first two episodes, and appreciating Tobias, and watching for clues to the outbreak, this week’s survival rule hit me: Pay attention to the little things.

This week, we’re going to cover how being observant, and paying attention to the little things going on around you can help you stay a step ahead of the dead and maybe avert total disaster when the zombie apocalypse tries to bring it to your doorstep.