FearTWD, Survival Rule Of The Week: Pay attention to the little things
By Liam O'Leary
2) Don’t Ignore The Warnings
Like I said at the beginning: I love Tobias. If there’s ever a character I identify with in the Walking Dead universe, it’s him.
That’s why it’s so frustrating when he tries to warn Madison in Fear’s first episode about what’s coming. He is there, practically screaming at her that something bad is coming, and…she just ignores him.
Luckily, after running into her first couple of infecteds, Madison realizes just how on the ball Tobias was, and starts listening to his analysis of what will come next. Of course, if she’d listened to him the first time, she might have been more prepared, and saved a few of her friends and neighbors in the process.
When a zombie apocalypse comes, it won’t just be like an earthquake, that just hits without warning; There will be hints of what’s ahead, and people will see them. You will likely find at least some things on the internet talking about them. They will likely be on the fringe, of course, but, if they’re providing things like video evidence, fringe or not, they’re not something you should ignore.
Furthermore, if you know someone who’s telling you that something bad is coming, don’t just brush them off: This a person, maybe an acquaintance, maybe a friend, maybe even a loved one, trying to give you a head’s up that disaster is coming, not that they’ve found some get rich quick scheme. Do not ignore them.
Even if you think it’s crazy, look at it this way: If someone told you a hurricane or a blizzard was coming, would you dismiss it…or go out and prepare, just in case? Treat warnings about a zombie apocalypse the same way. You don’t have to believe it, but, it would be smart to be ready, on the off chance it turns out to be true.