FearTWD, Survival Rule Of The Week: Pay attention to the little things

Photo Credit: Justin Lubin/AMC
Photo Credit: Justin Lubin/AMC /
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Kim Dickens as Madison – Fear The Walking Dead _ Season 1, Episode 4 – Photo Credit: Justina Mintz/AMC
Kim Dickens as Madison – Fear The Walking Dead _ Season 1, Episode 4 – Photo Credit: Justina Mintz/AMC /

5) Pay Attention To What’s Going On Around You

If you closely watch the first two episodes of Fear The Walking Dead, you realize that Nick and Travis’s son, Chris, are two of the most observant characters at that point in the outbreak, because both of them seem to notice some of the people around in the early stages of becoming infected: As Nick enters a diner to meet with Cal, he hears someone at the counter cough, and visibly turns to look at him (Which, when you remember that Madison’s neighbor who later turns was also coughing, it seems rather ominous), Chris, meanwhile, as he’s making his way towards a shooting somewhere in L.A., he (And only he, for some reason) notices that one of the cops on the scene is getting his wrist bandaged…because of a bite.

Now, if they knew what those things meant, it could have helped them avoid certain situations later, as they would have realized that the people they saw were going to turn into zombies, and get the hell out of dodge.

And this is, basically, the whole point of what I’ve been trying to say: If you are paying attention to what’s going on around you in a zombie outbreak, you have a much better chance of survival than someone who is just oblivious.

The reason for this is, while there will be hints that a zombie outbreak is coming, that’s all they’ll be: Hints. Nothing is necessarily going to scream at you that the zombies are coming, and everyone needs to run away as fast they can. It’s going to be little things around that just aren’t quite right. Whether it’s things that you’ll see, things that you’ll hear, things that you don’t see, there will be things warning you that danger is coming, but, only if you’re paying enough attention to notice them.

So, when you’re out and about, when you’re on the internet, pay attention. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for the things that could be indicators that something’s awry, whether that’s things you see or hear, or things that you should see and hear, but suddenly don’t. They could be the best warning you have that the dead are on their way.

A little attentiveness can be the difference between living and becoming a zombie.

Next. Fear The Walking Dead: How Season One SHOULD Have Ended. dark

And that’s your Survival Rule Of The Week! Hopefully, you’ve learned how important paying attention to the little things can be in a zombie outbreak, and how doing so can help you survive.  If you like this and want to find out more tips to survive the zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also get it at Amazon here, on iTunes here!