What New Year’s resolutions should Iris make on The Walking Dead: World Beyond?
The Walking Dead: World Beyond debuted in 2020 and made an immediate impact on the mythology of the greater TWD Universe. When fans first met Iris they saw a self-assured young woman who had grown up in the middle of the apocalypse but she was forging her own path. After embarking on a mission to find her father, Iris learned that she’d lived a sheltered life inside the Campus Colony, and if she’s going to survive in season 2 she needs to set some New Year’s resolutions.
Don’t Be Naive
Iris’ biggest problem is that she has been sheltered too long and doesn’t understand the way the outside world operates. It’s not her fault, as the people inside Campus Colony were given more theoretical instruction about survival than actual life lessons.
When Iris encountered Percy she thought he could be trusted and she was wrong – at first, anyway. She needs to be careful about revealing too much about herself and her loved ones when she meets new people until she can determine whether they can be trusted.
Don’t Hesitate
Once again, the kids of Campus Colony were given lessons on how to fight empties but no one had ever actually killed one and it has been a major issue for everyone in the group. It’s not their fault, but this is a trial by fire situation and Iris needs to follow her instincts and kill empties without stopping to think about it.
Don’t Lose Hope
See what I did there? Double entendre, to be sure. Iris has never been apart from her sister and being separated will be hard. She can’t give up. She has to keep fighting to find her sister because that’s how it should be, and no matter what obstacles present themselves she needs to keep pushing forward.
What do you think about these New Year’s resolutions? Do you have any other resolutions that Iris should make? Let us know in the comments!