Jeffrey Dean Morgan loves his friend Norman Reedus so much

Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 16 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 16 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC

Jeffrey Dean Morgan wishes Norman Reedus a Happy Birthday, 2 days early.

The bromance between Walking Dead actors Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Norman Reedus is widely known in TWD fandom. The two post fun photos together, doing outrageous things and share their love for one another freely.

JDM was so excited for Reedus’ birthday that he posted a great photo on his Instagram of the two of them wishing his BFF a happy day. Then, he edits the post saying he is two days early because his pandemic calendar is faster than most folks.

Like always, JDM inserts his sense of humor in the post, making it fun for fans to see that he’s just like the rest of us.

Morgan and Reedus are very close, so close that they reside close to one another when they are in Georgia. They are both avid motorcycle enthusiast and enjoy riding together. Morgan has been a guest on two episodes of Reedus’s motorcycle travel show, Ride with Norman Reedus, where they traveled to Spain and England.

They are so close that Reedus and Jensen Ackles, Morgan’s co-star from Supernatural, officiated the wedding between Morgan and his long time love Hilarie Burton-Morgan in 2019.

An interesting note, Morgan’s real wife Burton-Morgan will portray his reel wife, Lucille, on the final bonus episode of season ten titled “Here’s Negan.” Since Lucille died of cancer before the outbreak, this will be in some type of flashback. It will be awesome to see the couple together on screen.

Next up, the pair will be filming season eleven for The Walking Dead series. Negan (Morgan) and Daryl Dixon (Reedus) will each be featured in at least one of the six bonus episodes of the series’s tenth season.

Before the pandemic, when we could gather and attend various cons featuring the two stars, they would entertain fans with their antics and be highly sought after for autos and photo ops. Hopefully, those days will come again when we don’t have to participate in a con via Zoom.

Happy EARLY birthday to Norman Reedus.

Be sure to watch the bonus episodes of season 10 of The Walking Dead on AMC starting February 28.