AMC released a new teaser clip of quotes from the 10c episodes.
A new teaser video for The Walking Dead has been posted by AMC on social media has continued dropping us little bits of information about the bonus 10c episodes, which begin airing on 28 Feb.
The clip features stills of some of the characters appearing in the 6 bonus episodes, along with an audio clip of one of their lines from the episodes. The lines illuminate some of the themes and issues that will be explored in these coming weeks.
Daryl – “I’m not gonna stop till I find out.”
Daryl’s quote could feasibly relate to anything. It sums up Daryl’s personality to a tee – he’s a man like a dog with a bone, who won’t let things go until he is satisfied. No injustice gets to pass while he’s on watch, and now he’s in a role of leadership, this is even more relevant.
There aren’t many obvious mysteries hanging over from season 10 that Daryl needs to uncover. He knows who let Negan out. He knows who killed Alpha.
However, given the synopsis of “Find Me,” Daryl is likely referring to Rick. We know that “Find Me” explores the time jump after Rick’s “death” on the bridge explosion, and we know in that time Daryl exiled himself into the woods to spend his time looking for Rick – either his body, his walker, or the man himself.
So, it makes sense if this line is from a flashback in that episode, where Carol asks Daryl to come back home, but he is insistent that he stays there until he finds out Rick’s fate.
The fact this timeframe is being explored suggests that we are going to delve further into Daryl’s state of mind during that time, what drove him to stay out there away from everyone for so long, and what changed to make him come home when Carol asked him in “Stradivarius.”
Maggie – “We need to get our heads on straight.”
With Maggie’s return happening in only the final few minutes of “A Certain Doom,” we know very little of what’s going on with Hilltop’s former leader. We have no idea what she’s been dealing with while she’s away or what she’s brought back with her.
This line could be said to anyone either in our own group or the small group she appears to have brought back with her, including the masked man we now know is called Elijah.
Whoever she is talking to, it’s clear Maggie is still a leader in every way. She knows what needs to be done, and that they can’t afford to relax or be any less cautious just because Alpha and the Whisperers are dead.
Danger lurks around every corner, and it’s clear from the sneak peek photos from “Home Sweet Home” that Maggie is painfully aware of that and is very ready to tackle whatever comes their way. Particularly, she seems to have her son Hershel with her, and she’s been reunited with Judith, who is currently parentless.
Ezekiel – “We can’t trust what we don’t know.”
Princess – “Everybody gets scared sometimes”
Eugene – “My people back home need my help.”
Although these quotes don’t come after each other in the clip, we know that all three quotes come from the bonus episode “Splinter.” This is the episode in 10c that focuses on the group who traveled to meet Eugene’s radio friend Stephanie and were met with stormtroopers.
From the table-read of this episode, we know Ezekiel, Eugene, Yumiko and Princess are separately held in train cars, with Yumiko injured and possibly taken away. These quotes point to the high stress the characters are under and the choices they have to make.
Should they try to escape? Ezekiel knows they can’t trust what they don’t know. But if they try and fail, then what happens? Eugene does not want to risk anything that will prevent them from bringing back help to his family.
For her part, Princess is acknowledging the fear that perhaps the two men deny. Or she may be referring to herself. The episode’s synopsis suggests we will get to know more about Princess’s past during this episode and find out what traumas and triumphs she has encountered on her personal journey.
It may be that Princess once was a very different, terrified person, but now she tackles things head-on, including her own fear.
Judith – “Right now, Mom’s looking at us.”
As ever, Judith is mature beyond her years and is clearly talking to her little brother RJ. When Michonne left in 10×12 after finding evidence that Rick was still alive, she contacted Judith and essentially asked her permission to look for their father. Of course, Judith granted that, but since then, we’ve seen how this is affecting her.
We saw her fear of losing her Uncle Daryl, and that while he was absolutely there for her right now, he couldn’t promise he would always be, but there were so many people around her who love her and will protect her and care for her.
It’s heart-warming and grim reality of their life that they lose people regularly. Judith is very aware of that, and even though she doesn’t know if or when they will see Michonne again, here she appears to be shielding RJ from the harshness of life as much as possible.
She is reassuring her baby brother that no matter how far apart they are in space or time, they are connected to Michonne and to Rick, “The Brave Man,” and always will be. While Judith may not be able to get the reassurance she’d like from those around her, it’s touching to see she is ensuring she’s able to give RJ that comfort.
Carol – “Alpha needed to die.”
From what we’ve seen of “Find Me” and “Diverged” in the synopsis and table-reads, these 2 episodes focus on Carol and Daryl’s relationship, and it appears there still seems to be tension there, likely due to previous events in Carol repeatedly acting alone in her attempts to kill Alpha.
Thus, Carol may be speaking to Daryl here, explaining herself again and trying the bridge the gap of understanding they seemed to have. However, it seemed in “A Certain Doom” that this particular issue was largely put to bed between the pair as they reconciled after Carol led the Whisperer herd over the cliff.
And Daryl is not the only person Carol may feel the need to explain herself. With one of her oldest and closest friends, Maggie, returning, Carol has been put in a difficult position. She called Maggie home for help, but she is also the one who released Negan – the man who brutally murdered Maggie’s husband Glenn – from his cell.
Possibly Carol may be trying to explain to Maggie why she released Negan, that it wasn’t about forgiveness or even acceptance but that she used him as a weapon in their war against Alpha.
It’s unlikely Maggie will take that news well, and even if she understands it, she may not like it, meaning that Negan is an ongoing issue for all of them, but especially Carol. Thus suggesting that part of Carol’s story in these episodes is how she will reconcile these parts of her family and life together.
Gabriel – “There’s still goodness, you just have to look for it.”
The still photo reveals both Gabriel and Aaron, and we know that the 3rd episode – “One More” – of the 6 focuses on a supply run they take where they meet a mysterious man played by Robert Patrick.
This line, spoken by Gabriel, was actually revealed in the table-read for the episode, so we know the context. In this scene, Gabriel and Aaron are drinking in a warehouse when they meet this mystery man, who begins questioning Gabriel about his faith.
The man accuses Gabriel of preaching something he doesn’t believe in and that there’s nothing decent left in the world, just thieves and murderers. It is then that Gabriel replies with this quote. He believes there is still goodness left in this world. However, the man is not convinced, and even more than that, believes Gabriel isn’t convinced either.
It seems as though “One More” will focus on something all the characters are wondering, what happens after it all? After every fight, they are left to ask, is this the last one? Can they find peace? And there’s no other character that particular question is more vital for than Gabriel.
Gabriel needs to believe there is hope for the future, and everything he has faced will certainly test his faith to the extreme. This mystery man may be present as all those trials in human form, to make Gabriel truly look at what he now believes.
Negan – “I didn’t escape if that’s what you’re thinking.”
Again, this quote is one that was already revealed in the table-reads. We know this is also a quote from the first episode, “Home Sweet Home.”
It comes as part of an exchange between Negan and Maggie when they come face to face for the first time in many years, and this time there are no bars between them. Coming hot on the heels of Negan’s part in defeating Alpha and killing Beta alongside Daryl, he certainly has plenty of arrows in the bow of his defense, but it’s unlikely to hold much water with Maggie.
Along with “Home Sweet Home,” we know the 6th episode, “Here’s Negan,” in the bonus run focuses on Negan and his backstory with his late wife, Lucille. Together, these two episodes seem to be bringing Negan face to face with all his problems and forcing him to tackle them head-on.
Perhaps only by working through the mistakes he made with his wife, the grief he failed to deal with after her death, and the violence he turned to will he be able to face Maggie and explain that he knows who he became was not who he wants to be.
While Daryl, Carol and the others seem to at least tolerate Negan now, appreciating that he has proved his loyalty, only Maggie can offer him the redemption that he may now desire. Convincing her that he earned his freedom will be much more than simply explaining Carol let him out.
It’s no doubt that these characters with opposing views will have a long road to walk down, but it is possible from these scenes that they will start to see life from the other’s point of view to one degree or another.
The Walking Dead will return to AMC on February 28, when the six bonus episodes of season 10 will be released.