FearTWD, Survival Rule Of The Week: Things You DON’T Need

Colby Minifie as Virginia, Colby Hollman as Wes - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Colby Minifie as Virginia, Colby Hollman as Wes - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC /
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Fear The Walking Dead _ Season 1, Episode 3 – Photo Credit: Justina Mintz/AMC
Fear The Walking Dead _ Season 1, Episode 3 – Photo Credit: Justina Mintz/AMC /

2) Fancy Clothes/Jewelry

Don’t get me wrong; clothes are a necessity when a zombie outbreak is beginning. As I said in my “Things You Need” list, you could just as easily die of hypothermia as you could a zombie bite.

But right there is the difference: Warm clothes are utilitarian; they serve a function, namely, keeping you from freezing to death. Clothes that aren’t utilitarian are just pointless.

What use could you have for designer clothes once zombies take over the world? Outside of using the materials for other things, I can’t imagine very much.

Frankly, the same goes for designer shoes. Sneakers will be useful, as you will probably have to do a lot of running around once the dead start to number in the thousands. Still, if your shoes aren’t serving a real purpose other than looking good (Which, by the way, won’t last long in a zombie apocalypse), you don’t need them, in fact, they’re probably taking up valuable space.

Jewelry fits into a similar category. What the hell are you going to do with jewelry in a zombie apocalypse? Sure, a diamond may prove useful in cutting glass where just smashing it might draw unwanted attention, and silver and gold could be used as conductors if wire wasn’t available, but other than that…what would you need them for? Who would you be trying to impress? The zombies?! They’re not gonna give a damn.

If a thing isn’t going to help you survive a zombie outbreak and the carnage that comes after, you don’t need it.