FearTWD, Survival Rule Of The Week: Things You DON’T Need
By Liam O'Leary
5) Bad Food
I’ve said before that you need to throw away your squeamishness in a zombie apocalypse because you will have to see and do and eat things you otherwise wouldn’t survive. While that is true, one thing that does not include is eating bad food.
Now, by “bad,” I mean, literally, food that’s gone bad. Sure, you can eat stale bread or canned food that’s been around for a while, but if something is bad, you can not eat it.
This isn’t about not eating something that’s “gross,” but, rather, it’s about not eating things that are going to make you sick, sometimes, even dangerously ill.
You want an example of something you shouldn’t eat? Oh, I’ve got plenty. How about meat that smells foul or is discolored? Trust me; I’ve seen pepperonis that were white. WHITE. Even the ants and roaches wouldn’t eat it; I’m willing to bet that, if a person did, they would die.
How about fruits or vegetables that have gotten slimy or have turned weird shades of brown or black? I’ve seen these, too, and I wouldn’t feed them to my worst enemy’s pet rat, never mind eat them myself!
The big risk with foods like this is getting food poisoning. Have you ever had food poisoning? It is not fun! It is terrible. When I had it, I was in pain; I was nauseated, lost consciousness, and ended up sick for hours.
The thing is, as I can attest, food poisoning may not kill you, but imagine having all of those symptoms while zombies are roaming around. Do you think you could effectively escape (Never mind fight) zombies while having those symptoms? Trying to run while your body is screaming at you to projectile vomit?
…I don’t think so.
So, with that in mind, you need to make sure that whatever food you have with you, and whatever food you find, is actually edible because all it takes is one batch of funny-smelling grub to get salmonella or botulism, and, at that point, you’d almost prefer being eaten by a zombie.