FearTWD, Survival Rule Of The Week: Things You DON’T Need
By Liam O'Leary
6) Bad Water
Knowing how vital water is to our survival, I imagine some would think that any water is better than no water. While there is certainly logic there, it is incorrect.
You see, if water has certain things in it, the reactions it causes in our bodies make drinking it worse than not drinking anything, as it accelerates dehydration, along with whatever other symptoms it brings with it. Having salt or microorganisms in your water can cause myriad dangerous affects on your body. For example, Saltwater can cause a chain reaction in your body as it attempts to expel the excess salt, which can rapidly accelerate dehydration and death.
Microorganisms are even worse. Depending on what might be swimming in your water, you might just get dysentery or cholera, which can cause diarrhea, which can quickly, and I mean quickly, sap you of fluids and sap you of energy. These are bad right now, but in a world where you may not have steady supplies of food or water and may not know when you’ll get more of either, these things can quickly become lethal, and that’s without zombies coming for you.
Then, of course, is the worst possibility: That zombies might be floating around in your water. If normal microorganisms in your water are bad, just imagine what drinking a zombie’s bathwater will do to you.
This is why all water you drink in a zombie outbreak and beyond must be clean and devoid of anything you don’t want to be drinking. This may require you to take steps to ensure that cleanliness, like barricading it, so zombies don’t go taking dives into it and boiling the water you get to doubly guarantee its potability.
If you don’t have clean water, you don’t have anything.
And that’s your Survival Rule Of The Week! Hopefully, you’ve learned what you don’t need once you’ve learned you’re at the beginning of a zombie outbreak and started thinking about how you’re going to avoid these things. If you like this and want something to help you survive the zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also get it at Amazon here, on iTunes here!