The Walking Dead: Recap of Season Ten, Ghosts

Avi Nash as Siddiq, Juan Javier Cardenas as Dante - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Avi Nash as Siddiq, Juan Javier Cardenas as Dante - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC

We have had a major time lapse since the first episodes of season ten of The Walking Dead began to air. This was in the fall of 2019, and for many, it will be difficult to remember what all transpired since then. Follow along with us while we take a look back at each episode. “Ghosts” is the third episode of season ten.

We see hordes of walkers are descending on Alexandria, and the community needs protection. They are fighting night and day to keep them from infiltrating the walls. They feel it is Alpha sending these waves as punishment for crossing her borders. Emotions are high, and people want Alpha’s head for the killing of their friends whose heads she put on pikes.

Gamma comes to the entrance of Alexandria with a message that Alpha wants to meet at the border. As Gabriel and Aaron lead groups to fight the walkers still coming at Alexandria, Daryl, Michonne, Carol and a few others go to meet Alpha.

I this episode, we see Carol really struggling. She is taking some type of pills and has a major chip on her shoulder. Siddiq is still struggling as well. And Aaron is tasked with bringing Negan into his group to fight the walkers. Until now, Negan has been a gardener, and he would prefer to keep it that way.

What is Alpha’s end game in meeting at the border?

Alpha was pleased when she found out the borders had been crossed again. She knew that she would have reason to issue punishment, once again.

In the scene where they meet at the borders and Alpha issues her speech, we get a real look at Samantha Morton’s talent. She puts out a creepy authoritative vibe that is expected from this character. Because her borders were crossed three times, she feels a punishment is in order, and instead of bloodshed, she moves the borders to cut them from their hunting ground.

Carol is really struggling with her anger towards the Whisperers because they killed Henry. When Alpha taunts her about Henry, Carol draws a gun she had hidden. It takes Daryl and Michonne to diffuse the situation.  They leave Alpha and set up camp for the night. When Michonne tries to console Carol, her only words are, “Bitch has to die.” This is most likely the moment that Carol starts to set her plan in motion to ensure Alpha is killed.

Carol sees three Whisperers in the dark watching them, but there is no sign of them when they look. They decide to take shelter in a school building. Carol keeps popping her pills, and she starts seeing other things. Making us realize she may not have really seen Whisperers in the woods.

She is sleep-deprived, and her mind starts playing tricks on her. She sees herself and all of her children on the front of a textbook; she sees and hears Henry call to her. She thinks Daryl tells her a story, but it was only a dream. Eventually, she gets caught in a trap set by a Whisper and has to fight off many walkers being badly hurt in the process. As a viewer, you question whether this was also a hallucination. But, at the very end of the episode, we see a view of all the dead walkers, and then we see a prone whisperer whose eyes suddenly come open.

Throughout the episode, Aaron is dealing with his issues with Negan. He doesn’t trust him, and he is heartbroken about Eric’s death at the hands of the Saviors. Negan didn’t want to go out to kill; he was content to do the grunt work back at Alexandria. He runs off, leaving Aaron to fight off some walkers.

Aaron’s vision is compromised, and he blindly heads off to find Negan. He heads to a house for sanctuary only to be attacked by some walkers. Negan saves him and explains his vision loss is from hogweed. They spend the night in the house, and Aaron’s vision is restored by morning. Negan kept watch all night to keep them safe.

Rosita and Eugene spent the night fighting, and in the morning, they have a brutally truthful discussion where Rosita tells Eugene that they will never be a couple. This puts a strain on their friendship.

Siddiq, still seeing visions of the Whisperers, struggles to tend Carol’s wounds. He is saved by Dante, who helps take care of Carol’s cut up arm. Dante doesn’t give Siddiq’s troubles away to Daryl and Michonne, who were checking on Carol. Dante has a discussion with Siddiq about PSTD that he experienced while in the military, and he understands this is what Siddiq is suffering.

This episode gave us some good insight into Carol’s state of mind, Alpha’s power and Siddiq’s suffering. We also so the community’s power working together to fight the real enemy instead of bickering between themselves.

Enjoy our series of articles to recap each episode of season ten of The Walking Dead. This will be a count down to the AMC+ release date of February 21, when the first of the six bonus episodes releases. AMC will premiere this episode on February 28.