The Walking Dead, A Certain Doom: Things To Note

Seth Gilliam as Father Gabriel Stokes- The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 16 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Seth Gilliam as Father Gabriel Stokes- The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 16 - Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC /
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Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC
Photo Credit: Jackson Lee Davis/AMC /

1) As Father Gabriel tries to blackout the tower’s window, he stops at one to see the horde surrounding the complex. This is only possible because some careless person pulled the sheet back to look out the window earlier and left it that way. That is a terrible violation of safety protocols.

2) At what point did Daryl and Judith meet up with Carol and Kelly? Was one of those pairs already being chased by part of the horde? Were there no Whisperers amongst those walkers? …You’d think there would be. If you’re Beta, that’s a hell of a blown opportunity.

3) In a much smarter move, as he, Judith, Carol, and Kelly reenter the tower, Daryl, rather than try to force a walker (That had tried to force its way in as the quartet opened the door) out, which would have wasted time, dragged it in, to be killed by Carol. Well played, sir.

4) As we cut to Eugene’s team, He, Yumiko, Princess, and Ezekiel are bicycling on a road surrounded by a forest. Obviously, they’re somewhere in West Virginia, but if they weren’t in Charleston when they met Princess, then…where the hell were they?

5) When we cut to Virgil arriving at Oceanside, we see him equipped with “Backpack Guy”‘s orange backpack, which Michonne took when she, Rick, and Carl found his remains after meeting Morgan in the season three episode, “Clear.”