The Walking Dead episode “Find Me” is an episode where we get a better look at how Daryl spent his time away while searching for any signs of Rick after the explosion at the bridge in season 9. A significant time jump has left the viewers with many questions about what transpired during this time.
This episode starts with Daryl’s monologue recapping what has gone on ahead of where we find our group in “Find Me.”
We see Dog running towards Daryl, who is gearing up for a hunting trip on his bike. Carol approaches and finds a map that Daryl has dropped. They exchange polite conversation about the goings-on in Alexandria, and when Daryl finally gets his bike started, she hops on the back. He tells her he didn’t invite her but, of course, he lets her come with him.

We see them hunting in the woods with Dog at their side. This scene shows us just how great the two of them are together. They are great companions. Eventually, they decide to spear some fish, and Carol is a master at this!
As they are cleaning the fish, Carol feels Daryl is overly critical of how she is doing things. This little disagreement seems to have some underlying fuel behind it.
They also discuss all the losses with Hilltop and Alexandria being damaged. Carol is worried their luck has run out as a group. Daryl refused to believe this is true.
Dog runs off barking wildly, and Daryl and Carol follow. They come upon a cabin that appears to be abandoned, and Daryl looks at it with heavy emotion in his eyes. He remembers a flashback to this cabin of a woman and dog sitting on the steps.
Carol looks around the cabin stating this could be a good stop to spend the night. Daryl looks around, not speaking. He looks out the window and sees a cross marker for a grave.
We see the river with Daryl on the bank, his expression heavy with emotion. This is a flashback from 5 years ago.
We hear cute puppy barking, and this little pup comes right to Daryl and then runs off. Daryl is hanging a map up in his lean-to-type house. He marks off some areas along the river. These are the spots where he has been looking for Rick.
Carol visits him with news from the communities. She tells Daryl that Maggie has left with Hershel. They discuss Daryl and Maggie both being on their own paths right now. We also learn about something bad that has gone on between Carol and Michonne.
Daryl sees an overturned canoe with some legs sticking out. He has to look and make sure it isn’t Rick’s body. He stomps his frustration out on the walker’s head.
During a ferocious storm, we see Daryl with very little shelter. He is drenched and miserable and sees that his map is also soaked and starting to fall apart.
One year later, we see Daryl walking in the woods with his map in his pocket. We see Dog again, and he is much larger than the puppy we saw previously. Daryl follows Dog to a cabin, and Daryl enters to kill a walker and is met with a shotgun aimed at him by a woman.

Back to the present day, Dog is digging at the floor of the cabin, and Carol pulls up the floorboards and finds a note and some food. She looks at Daryl and says, “She lived here?” Daryl tells her it was a long time ago. He says that he told Carol everything, but she feels there is more he hasn’t shared about the woman.
We flashback to the cabin after the woman held the gun to Daryl. He is tied up, and she wants to know who he is and why he is on her land. He told her he followed Dog, thinking he was coming to help someone. She decides to let him go, to Daryl’s surprise.
We see another time-lapse, and Dog visits Daryl. He returns Dog to the cabin as the woman thanks him. She still hasn’t told him her name but does let him know that the dog’s name is Dog. We some rare smiles from Daryl.
Eight months later, Daryl combes the river and collects wood for a fire when a group of walkers heads his way. A gunshot rings out, and the woman is there to aid him. They hid behind some trees and let the small horde pass by. He tells her to stay away from his camp. She storms off, saying, “Name’s Leah.”
Three months after that, Daryl unceremoniously throws a large fish on the cabin porch. We next see him warming his hands over a fire as Leah throws the fish at him. They argue about leaving one another alone. They also talk about being alone for a long time out in the elements. She sees Daryl trying to warm his hands and knows it is frostnip. She tells him to come with her back to her cabin.
In the cabin, as Daryl sleeps, we hear glass breaking, and he looks to see Leah holding a picture frame that she dropped. It is of her and a little boy. She shares that it is his birthday. She tells Daryl of her time before when she had friends and family, but she went into seclusion when she lost all that. Matthew was his name, and although he wasn’t her biological son, he was still her child just the same.

She looks at the window, wiping tears away as she looks out at the same cross grave marker that Daryl looked at in the present. She tells him of the night she lost Matthew. She was overrun, and when she came to the cabin, that is when she realizes he had been a bit.
Daryl is the first person she had contact with since that happened. She asked Daryl who he lost. He tells of losing his brother, Rick. He tells her he never found a body and will keep looking until he finds out.
We see Leah and Daryl spearfishing, and she is also a master at this task. They share secret looks and stare up at the eclipse together. Next, we see them share an intimate moment in the cabin beside the fire.
They are eating a meal, and it is being picked at in silence. We learn that Daryl is going off for a few days, and Leah isn’t happy. She asked him where he belongs, out on the river searching, back with his family that he is too hurt to face or with her. She tells him to choose and leaves the cabin.
Daryl is looking at his map as Carol approaches for one of her visits. She sees him packing up and asks if he is coming home. He tells her he is moving. He wants to know why she is here. She tells him things are tough at the Kingdom, and she is needed there, so she won’t be able to visit for a while.
As he walks along the river, ever searching, he stops to think, and something makes him turn back. He heads to the cabin, and Leah is gone. Dog enters alone, greeting Daryl. He writes her a note that says, “I belong with you. Find me,” and stores it in the floorboards. (This is the same note Carol found in the present). He and Dog go on a search for Leah.
In the present, Carol asks if Leah is still alive. Daryl doesn’t know what has become of her. They argue about all the things that have been building between them.
He tells her Connie missing is on her because she never knows when to stop. She apologizes for Connie, but she isn’t sorry about Alpha.
He tells her she should have come with him to hunt as she was running yet again. She couldn’t deal with the guilt of Alexandria being damaged. He tells her she always runs and he should have just let her run again by getting back on the boat. She says that she was right, that their luck has run out.
It is an emotional episode, and an argument like this between such longtime friends will make or break it.
On March 28, the episode “Diverged” will air, and we will get another look at where Daryl and Carol are in their relationship.
The synopsis for this upcoming episode is:
"Daryl and Carol come to a fork in the road and head their separate ways. Each going into their own type of survival mode, the easiest of challenges become much harder. Will their individual journeys be the tipping point needed to mend their friendship or is the distance between them permanent?"
AMC will air the next episode of season 10c of The Walking Dead on March 14, “One More,” which will focus on Aaron and Gabriel. AMC+ will stream on March 11.