The Walking Dead: One More – fans react on social media

Ross Marquand as Aaron, Seth Gilliam as Gabriel - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 19 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
Ross Marquand as Aaron, Seth Gilliam as Gabriel - The Walking Dead _ Season 10, Episode 19 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC

The Walking Dead gave us one of the most unsettling episodes we’ve seen in quite some time! “One More” marked the third of the six bonus episodes, and it has been receiving amazing reviews!

In this episode, we saw Aaron and Gabriel, a paring that might seem odd initially, but as the episode goes on, you realize they have more in common than you would think. They are both fathers; they have both had amazing transformations since we were first introduced to them, and they have both suffered life-altering injuries.

We find them on a supply run as Alexandria suffered greatly during the Whisperer war. The walls have been damaged, and food supplies are running low. Aaron and Gabriel are searching out locations Maggie has marked on a map for possible places they could find supplies.

They come upon a warehouse and meet up with someone they didn’t expect. Robert Patrick played the character Mays, and he was an amazing choice for this character. Things take a crazy turn, and all hell breaks loose.

Fans react to “One More” on social media.

The first location Gabe and Aaron come upon is supposed to be a two-story home, but it has been burnt to the ground.

Fans wondered if the new threat, the Reapers, could be responsible for this.

Gabe used the old kitchen timer trick to bring the walkers out of hiding. We’ve seen this used two other times,  Enid in season 5 and Daryl with a wind-up clock in season 9.

As far as road trips go, this was a bad one!!

This episode gave us great laughter from Aaron and Gabriel at each other expense. Both situations were highly comical.

Everyone is ready to dub these two the dynamic duo. I have often thought each one needed more screen time but never thought we would get an episode with the two of them being featured.

It was great to see Robert Patrick on Twitter last night interacting with posts, and then he posted a thank you for the TWDFamily and cast and crew. Although many are sad, he will only be in this one episode, but if he’s only going to be in one, this is the one to be in. It was an amazing job done but all involved. One fan remarked that Mays would be a good character for a story in Tales of The Walking Dead anthology. I like that idea!

Thanks to everyone for live-tweeting with me and all TWDFamily. It is always lots of fun!

The Walking Dead will air “Splinter” on March 21 on AMC. This episode will catch us up to what Eugene, Ezekiel, Yumiko, and Princess have been up to after the Commonwealth soldiers captured them.

AMC+ remember will be able to stream this episode on March 18.