We’re now halfway through this extension of season ten of The Walking Dead, and last week’s episode was both very bleak and surprisingly funny, as we followed Aaron and Father Gabriel in their desperate quest to find food using a map Maggie made of areas that her group presumably passed on their way to Alexandria.
We would see that their quest was mostly fruitless, with the only highlight, if you can call it that, was meeting the mysterious and brutal Mays and discovering his tragic story.
In last week’s episode of The Walking Dead, Aaron and Gabriel learn that just because the Whisperers are gone doesn’t mean things suddenly become good.
There were also many details, hints, clues, and trivia that were not nearly so obvious as all of that. Little bits of information that, if you weren’t careful, might have passed right by you without you even noticing.
Those things are, of course, exactly what I’m here for! If you don’t know, Things To Note is a series where I find all the aforementioned details, hints, clues, and trivia and put them all together in one place, so you don’t have to go looking for them!
Are you ready? It’s time for this week’s installment of The Walking Dead: Things To Note!