14) Considering that Mays seemed perfectly happy to spray bullets around with his AK-47, it makes one wonder: Was he the person who riddled the cars Aaron and Gabriel passed by with bullets?
15) Robert Patrick is the first actor in The Walking Dead to play two separate characters: Mays and his twin brother.
16) According to showrunner Angela Kang, Mays’s brother was made to play Russian Roulette with his wife and daughter and chose to kill them rather than himself. With this in mind, it sort of throws Mays’s story into question. Why make his sister-in-law and niece suffer for his brother’s actions? Had Mays been the one to betray his brother and not the other way around?
17) With what we know about Mays’s brother, assuming Mays’s version of events is accurate, it’s possible that his suicide was him attempting to rectify a past mistake. Realizing what his brother was trying to teach him: That choosing to kill his wife and daughter instead of himself was selfish. Mays’s brother notably does look down at his wife and daughter’s bodies before pulling the trigger.
18) Assuming that Mays is the brothers’ last name, that would make the other Mays at least the eighth named character to die this half-season and second in this episode.
19) This episode gets its name from the phrase that Aaron and Gabriel keep saying to each other to compel each other to continue with their mission of searching possible supply caches on Maggie’s map (Particularly after a depressing stop): One More.
And that ends our installment of Things To Note for this week! Was there anything you missed? Was there anything I missed? Let me know! If you like this and want to read more of my writings, specifically about how to survive a zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! And you can get it from Amazon here and on iTunes here!