The Walking Dead announced that the first episode for season 11 will air on August 22, 2021. Fans are looking forward to and dreading this at the same time. The first photo for season 11 has been released, which features Daryl.
The release of new episodes always causes excitement in the fandom, but this first episode marks the first of the series’s last season. Everyone has known for a while that this was coming, but it is heartbreaking nonetheless.
The first photo released for season 11 shows Daryl looking in a tunnel made of bricks. Fans are speculating that he is searching for Connie, who has been missing since the cave-in. Viewers know she is alive and with Virgil, but we don’t know if this will be good or bad for her. Daryl and the rest do not know this information and have still been on the hunt for any news of her whereabouts.
Season 11 of The Walking Dead will have many stories to tell to round out the series.
There are many stories yet to tell in this series. We have Maggie and Negan drama, Connie needs to be found, we still need to know more about the Commonwealth and the well being of Eugene, Yumiko, Ezekiel and Princess who were last seen being held by the Commonwealth soldiers. Alexandria is trying to rebuild after the Whisperer War, and food is scarce because of this. Then there are all the other great characters who deserve some major screen time.
The final series will consist of 24 episodes, and this gives the writers a lot of time to tie up loose ends before the series finale. Fans have their favorite characters and want to see more of their story before the series concludes. Which characters will be focused on is anyone’s guess at this point.
When season 11 is over, we will, at least, see more of Carol and Daryl’s storylines in their spinoff series. We also have the Tales of the Walking Dead anthology that could cover many different characters. This series will be character-centric but could take place in the past, present, or future timeline. There are a lot of interesting ways that series could go.
The Walking Dead returns to AMC on August 22, 2021.