The Walking Dead Villains: Who ISN’T The Worst? Part 10C

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan-The Walking Dead_Season 10, Episode 22-Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan-The Walking Dead_Season 10, Episode 22-Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
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Here's Negan
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan-The Walking Dead_Season 10, Episode 22-Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC

The half-season of The Walking Dead was surprisingly crammed with content. Each episode left something to be resolved in season eleven. All but one of them introduced a new character, and most importantly, for our purposes, four of them introduced new hostiles: the Reapers, Mays, Mays’s brother, The Commonwealth, and the Valaks Vipers.

With all of these villains in such a short number of episodes, I couldn’t help but sit down and try to determine which of them was the worst of the bunch, the one/group with the least number of redeeming qualities.

In a short time, The Walking Dead gave us a slew of new villains, but were they really that bad? Which one was the most REDEEMABLE?

I’ve always wanted to see villains in The Walking Dead be redeemed. I always hoped that the characters that everyone hates would turn things around, like Eugene and Father Gabriel. When seeing all these new villains, I need to stop, look at them again, and try to determine which of them is redeemable.

How? Well, I’m going to look at what they did and why they did it because, as we’ve seen throughout the series, people sometimes have to do some awful things to survive or to protect the people they care about. That said, a few of our entries from the “Worst” list simply are not going to be on here because, quite frankly, not only are they not redeemable, they didn’t even muster the effort to try to excuse their repugnant actions. So, don’t expect to see me try to stick up for the Reapers or the Valaks Vipers. It just ain’t gonna happen.

So, with all of that out of the way, let the defense begin!