This week’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead might have been one of the best episodes of the show in a good long while and featured one of the best-handled deaths in the series. What made it so good was watching John begin the episode wanting to end his own life, but ended it realizing that he wanted to live, while at the same time we saw the massive swerve of Dakota being revealed to be Cameron’s murderer, and later, John’s. It was perfect television.
This week’s Fear The Walking Dead showed us that the reasons WHY we do things in a zombie apocalypse could be as important as WHAT we do.
In the midst of all this, we had the contrast between John and Dakota. On the one hand, you had John wanting to throw in the towel but decides against it when he finds a reason to keep going. On the other, you had Dakota, who, after looking like a kid in need of guidance, who was gravitating towards John to be that mentor, we learn that not only did she kill Cameron (And, by extension, Janis), but her reason for doing it was…terrible.
This contrast got me thinking: In a zombie apocalypse, the reason we do things is just as important as the things that we do. In this week’s Fear The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week, we’re going to look at how important having a reason to go on is and how bad it is when you do things for the wrong reasons.