Fear The Walking Dead, SROTW: Bad Things Happen To Bad People

Jenna Elfman as June, Colby Minifie as Virginia - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Jenna Elfman as June, Colby Minifie as Virginia - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC /
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Garret Dillahunt as John Dorie, Colby Minifie as Virginia- Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 4 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Garret Dillahunt as John Dorie, Colby Minifie as Virginia- Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 4 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC /

5) The Ends Don’t Justify The Means

The reason that June killed Virginia was that she realized that Virginia knew what Dakota was capable of, and, rather than trying to do something to correct it, she instead chose to cover for her, killing Janis and setting in motion the events that would lead to John’s eventual demise, all in the service of trying to protect her daughter. For June, it didn’t matter how noble Virginia’s aim was; the price was too damn high.

In a zombie apocalypse, you will have to make some pretty impossible choices, like having to choose to leave someone behind to ensure the rest of your group escapes a herd of zombies, for example. Now, ideally, the choices you make will be towards trying to do what you think is best for your group, but just because that is your motivation doesn’t excuse doing repugnant things in its name.

Look at Terminus. After the Crazy Man and his goons ate the people of Terminus out of house and home and violated all of the women, Gareth, his brother, and the rest of the community took Terminus back, and, having no other food available (And, frankly, as a form of revenge) ate the Crazy Man’s entire group. Then, still having no food and convinced that it was “eat or be eaten,” they began to eat everyone else that came to them. Sure, they were just trying to survive, but…that does not excuse cannibalism.

You see, despite what some people might want to believe (Or want you to believe), the ends do not justify the means if that means is something objectively despicable. You can dress it up all you want. Still, wanton cruelty, unrepentant violence, cannibalism, biological warfare, and the destruction of people’s lives who are no legitimate physical threat to you or your group aren’t justified just because you claim your goal is a noble one.

There will be people in the apocalypse (And before it, too, if we’re real) who will tell you that, because they’re trying to create something good or do something good, it makes the evils that they do okay. It doesn’t. In fact, if the leader of your group starts saying things like this, that should be your cue to grab your family and your friends, and all your supplies, and get the Hell out of that group, before you get roped into doing something you can’t live with, or setting off a vendetta you don’t want to be a part of.

“The ends justify the means” is the mantra of those who seek to commit evil in someone else’s name. Please don’t fall for it.

Next. Fear The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: The Reason Why. dark

And that’s your Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week! Hopefully, you’ve learned that, if nothing else, being a bad person doesn’t pay off in zombie apocalypse because, eventually, it will come back to haunt you. If you like this and want something else to help you survive the zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also get it at Amazon here, on iTunes here!