Vincent W. Ward took some time away from his busy schedule to talk with Undead Walking about his upcoming projects. Although we all loved him as the prisoner Oscar in season 3 of The Walking Dead, this man is much more than one character.
Ward’s newest horror project, The Step Daddy, started with a script that he wrote that would have been a major big-budget production if produced in its entirety. His team stepped in and did some rewrites allowing production to move forward. Luckily filming took place right ahead of the pandemic, which means we should see the release of this film soon. There has been no official release date, but keep watching Undead Walking, and we will get that information to you as soon as it is released. Another cool footnote regarding The Step Daddy, fellow Walking Dead actors Lew Temple and Nick Gomez play detectives who are searching for Ward’s character.
He really liked what he wrote initially and decided to recite that as an audiobook. Ward shared that he isn’t a big reader but enjoys audiobooks and felt many fans would enjoy hearing the original story. On the day of this interview, he had completed recording the audio for the book. So, that will be a treat for fans to see the film and listen to the original story written and read by Ward.

Devilreaux, another film written by Ward, will also be coming soon.
Although Ward can’t give a lot of info on his film Devilreaux, he can say it is coming very soon, and he knows people are going to love this film. He cannot name names, but the man who plays his father will be someone everyone knows. The film will have an amazing twist, which he is waiting for his fans to see. He just wants his horror films to scare people. Besides Candyman, you never see a black killer, and Ward is about the change that.
You can currently catch Ward in John Wynn’s Playhouse and Mirror Mirror on many streaming services.
Another passion of Ward’s is to become a host of his own travel show. He says you don’t see a black host, and that should change. His dream would be to do something like Andrew Bourdain’s travel show. As a host, he feels you can showcase your own personality and entertain and educate people. He has developed an amazing series concept called Conventioning, where he travels to different themed cons and gives the viewer an inside look. There are over 13,000 conventions, and he would enjoy hosting a show featuring all the different cons available for practically every interest.
Street Eats with the Wards is another great concept he and his wife have created. This series would feature ways for couples to enjoy a great night out without breaking the bank. People often feel they need to spend a lot of money when they go out, but there are great ways to save money and still have a wonderful time.
As you can see from above, he is a very busy man, and in addition to the catalog of what he has going on, he is developing his own line of wine. The name is W.A.R.D (Warrior, Audacious, Resilient, Distinguished) wine by Vincent M. Ward. He is partnering with a new winery to be able to bring you the best product out there. Keep watching for more information.
Are you a fan of Vincent M. Wards? Be sure to let your favorite con know you want to see him as a guest!
It was a treat to interview Ward, and I can’t wait to see all of his new projects come to fruition.