Fear The Walking Dead, The Holding: Things To Note

Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 11 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 11 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC /
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Maggie Grace as Althea, Colby Hollman as Wes – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 11 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Maggie Grace as Althea, Colby Hollman as Wes – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 11 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC /

6) This episode’s title sequence features Wes, radio in hand, inside the Holding, with the Beginners’ slogan over a painting of a barren tree and a walker strapped to an actual barren tree as it’s overgrown by vegetation in the background.

7) While interviewing Alicia, after she asks for her weapons back, Riley says that outsiders aren’t allowed to be armed inside the Holding before offhandedly remarking, “We learned that lesson the hard way.” What happened that caused them to learn that lesson? Were they attacked much in the way Terminus was? Is that what convinced them to start attacking other groups?

8) Thankfully, upon seeing The Beginners’ using walkers to make fertilizer, Alicia immediately questions whether it’s safe to eat food raised on fertilizer and bone meal made from walkers. I’m glad I wasn’t the only person concerned about that…

9) When Luciana warns Wes about how people do desperate things they wouldn’t have done before when they believe things, she makes a specific note of how she did. This is her second reference to the mildly cult-like nature of La Colonia under Dr. Nunez in this episode, behind mentioning having been “In a place like [The Holding]” during her interview with Riley.

10) How exactly did Derek get the CRM maps? Did he stumble upon the supply dump Isabelle took Al to back in season five’s “The End Of Everything”? I highly doubt it would have been the one at Drop Site Baker, as I imagine either someone from Nora’s group would have noticed them (Climbing the skyscraper after releasing the plague rats would have been a monumentally stupid idea) or they would have made sure they got rid of the plague antibiotics, so, the other supply dump is the only thing that makes sense of the CRM dumps we’ve seen.